Category 2 - Classical teddy bear international
A classical teddy bear international, different to classical German teddy bears, for example based on traditional shapes from different origins like classical British, Japanese, Russian or American patterns, without additional items, undressed. Different tp classical German teddy for example in design of mouth and nose as well as to creative designs. Maximum of one accessory on the teddy bear's body is admitted such as a bow, ruff, brooch, scarf or sash.

My darling.
Miho Ishibashi

The nominees

Olena Bukharieva

Naoko Kobayashi

Tranquility ~ Time Flows Silently ~
Joko Yanagihara

Category 5 - Teddys kreativ I
Creative interpretation of one single teddy bear, undressed, mainly made of fabric, with a maximum of three further accessories/additional items

Moths to light
Anzhela Pätzel

The nominees

Polar bear
Julia Jakobsen

Tania Schott

Category 6 - Teddys kreativ II
Creative interpretation of one single teddy bear, mainly made of fabric, dressed with handmade clothes, with a maximum of three additional items such as another bear, animal, doll, doll’s pram, bike, car, chair etc.

Forrest Grumpy
Anjo Krist

The nominees

Baby Bear
Tetiana Sadovska

Ferdie the Fisherman
Vanessa Barham

Space Odyssey
Svetlana Sycheva

Category 7 - Realistic wildlife
Realistic bear or another animal, undressed, sewn or felted. One realistic accessory, for example a twig or leaf, is allowed.

Daria Maksimczyk

The nominees

Bieber Bob
Ludmila Dietrich-Weizel

White Beauty
Anjo Krist

Category 8 - Fantasy
Animal-inspired figure or mythical creature, distinctly differing from classic bears, animals and creative interpretations of the teddy bear, no restriction in terms of materials and manufacturing technology.

Winston the Bulldog
Olga Shyshova

The nominees

Daniella Vereeken

Nadezhda Glinskaya

Category 2 - Classical teddy bear international
A classical teddy bear international, different to classical German teddy bears, for example based on traditional shapes from different origins like classical British, Japanese, Russian or American patterns, without additional items, undressed. Different tp classical German teddy for example in design of mouth and nose as well as to creative designs. Maximum of one accessory on the teddy bear's body is admitted such as a bow, ruff, brooch, scarf or sash.

Andrea Heese

The nominees

Bianco Teddy
Yunia Leliukhina

marron glace
Masako Kitao

Category 5 - Teddys kreativ I
Creative interpretation of one single teddy bear, undressed, mainly made of fabric, with a maximum of three further accessories/additional items

Silke Hirschfelder

The nominees

pink butterfly
Masako Kitao

Category 7 - Realistic wildlife
Realistic bear or another animal, undressed, sewn or felted. One realistic accessory, for example a twig or leaf, is allowed.

Olena Makeienkova

The nominees

invited by the signs of spring.
Masako Kitao

Lemur Loris
Nataliya Gall

Daryna Matasova

Silke Hirschfelder

Category 8 - Fantasy
Animal-inspired figure or mythical creature, distinctly differing from classic bears, animals and creative interpretations of the teddy bear, no restriction in terms of materials and manufacturing technology.

Diego the Mathador Cat
Alla Kotlyar

The nominees

Admiral Wolfson
Natali Iunina

Ayuv the Magician Bear
Alla Kotlyar

Premium + Master
Category 1 - Classic German teddy bear
Classical German teddy bear according to the idea of Richard Steiff with five joints, without additional items, undressed. Fur made of textiles like mohair or faux fur, a long mouth, a modelled upper back, wide apart eyes and relatively big and leaned forward ears. Maximum of one accessory on the teddy bear's body is admitted such as a bow, ruff, brooch, scarf or sash.

Silver lining
Svetlana Rudenko

The nominees

Andrea Heese

Bruno Heckenberger

Category 3 - Miniature I
Miniature teddy bear up to 10 centimeters, without additional items, undressed – maximum of one accessory on the teddy bears' body is admitted such as a bow, ruff, brooch, scarf or sash

My dear little Mia
Naoko Kobayashi

The nominees

Julia Cherniavska

Teddy bear in a nut
Nadezhda Minustina

Category 4 - Miniature II
Miniature teddy bear up to 10 centimeters, undressed or dressed with handmade clothes, with a maximum of three additional items such as another bear, animal, doll, doll’s pram, bike, car, chair etc.

Railway Soul
Yuliia Aladina

The nominees

Sachiko Igarashi

Teddy bear on the cloud
Nadezhda Minustina

Category 9 - Tableau
Beary Diorama (bottom plate of at least 10×10 centimeters, maximum 50×50 centimeters) to an annually changing topic. 2023: Carnival

Our first Halloween party
Olena Bukharieva

The nominees

Amelia going to Venice Carnival
Natasja Sels

Carnival in Rio de Janeiro
Melanie Meulenberg-Ansems

Public Choice Award

Zarina Madi

Special Jury Award

Rat Limelight
Maria Andreeva

Lifetime Achievement Award

Martin & Dr. Ursula Hermann